Looking through a window at Ben working at his desk

B-san's Blog

The work and life of a Community Education Manager in Japan

Category: Food

  • Treasure Box – 2

    Treasure Box – 2

    Our Golden Week Every May, Japan has a number of national holidays clumped together, forming what is commonly known as Golden Week. Most years, these public holidays create a 5-day weekend and if you take just a day or two off work, it becomes a long week of holidays. This year, Japan’s new emperor ascended…

  • Treasure Box – 1

    Treasure Box – 1

    Now that I’m through the application process of becoming a Happiness Engineer, I have spent some time thinking about the future of this blog. While I plan on continuing to write about my experiences working in Automattic and perhaps WordPress in general, I have also wondered what I could do to make this blog a…