Looking through a window at Ben working at his desk

B-san's Blog

The work and life of a Community Education Manager in Japan

Category: Musing

  • Boiled Egg Drawings – 3

    Boiled Egg Drawings – 3

    The other day, my wife handed me not 2, but 4 boiled eggs, and asked me to draw on them again. This time, the subject was… Forte!!

  • Thank you to my 200+ followers!

    Thank you to my 200+ followers!

    This week, my follower count reached 200. What an honour!!

  • First Wolt Dinner

    First Wolt Dinner

    Wolt – the food delivery service – finally debuted in our city! Our first meal with the service was three types of fried potatoes and salads.

  • Valentine’s Day 2022 (Treasure Box 20)

    Valentine’s Day 2022 (Treasure Box 20)

    Yesterday was Valentine’s Day! In Japan, Valentine’s Day is when girls give chocolates to boys. Boys then have a month to prepare and give back to the girl(s) they received chocolates from on White Day – March 14th. In our house, my wife likes to make Valentine’s Day special for me. But it generally ends…

  • 6 years with WordPress.com

    6 years with WordPress.com

    Yesterday, logging in to work, I was greeted by this message in my notification bar: Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com! You registered on WordPress.com 6 years ago. Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

  • An Article about Effective Communication

    An Article about Effective Communication

    I came across an interesting article today that I wanted to share. It’s an article titled How to Ask Useful Questions. The article resonated with me, as many of the points the author made are similar to the preferences I have in communication.