Looking through a window at Ben working at his desk

B-san's Blog

The work and life of a Community Education Manager in Japan

Category: WordPress

  • Starting Out on the WordPress.com Forums

    Starting Out on the WordPress.com Forums

    In my last post, I talked about my first interaction with a Happiness Engineer (HE) from Automatic. (You can check out that post here: My Initial Contact with an HE) I will talk about my second contact with an HE and how it got me started thinking about working as one myself in a another post…

  • Tags and Categories

    Tags and Categories

    As my blog is a record of how I will learn and grow over the next few months before reapplying to Automattic, my posts are going to have a few themes. I plan on including… Documentation of my initial application experience. Explanation of skills and knowledge I acquire while blogging. Technical memos recording my activity…