Looking through a window at Ben working at his desk

B-san's Blog

The work and life of a Community Education Manager in Japan

Tag: snow

  • Shovelling snow

    My wife took this photo of me shovelling snow earlier this week, when we had that HUGE snowfall! You can see the front porch now, but that was totally covered up just 10 minutes before this photo was taken ??

  • All this snow!!

    All this snow!!

    We’ve had at least a meter more snow than usual around here this year! Here are some pictures showing how much snow we’ve had.

  • 500 likes – and other random thoughts

    500 likes – and other random thoughts

    I’ve received 500 likes on my blog! Hi all! This post is to thank you all for following, and Liking, my posts! My last post – First Outdoor Walk of 2021 (Treasure Box 16) – earned me this badge… Wow! I had published a total of 86 posts as of that badge. That puts it at…

  • First Outdoor Walk of 2021 (Treasure Box 16)

    First Outdoor Walk of 2021 (Treasure Box 16)

    This afternoon was the first afternoon in a long while where I didn’t have any pressing appointments or deadlines in my schedule. The temperature was the highest it had been for months – 10 degrees! So I decided to go outside and take my first walk this year. The morning started similar to other Sunday…